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For My Daughter

My little girl just turned three years old, and is seeming very grown up indeed. It got me thinking about the things I want to teach her while she's still so young. She's very much her own person and a girly girl. She's already showing an interest in makeup and clothes, and I really want to try to set her on the right path regarding that subject. 

Things I want to teach my daughter about beauty

Do it for you. 
If you love wearing makeup, wear it. For you, not for anyone else. You are beautiful no matter what you wear. 
ALWAYS take your makeup off at night.
I feel like I only started to take looking after my skin seriously in my late teens/early twenties. I want Freya to start WAY earlier than that. Even before she starts to properly wear makeup. This is one of the most important things I can tell her. 
NEVER pluck your own eyebrows.
So many of us have caused ourselves grief by over-plucking our eyebrows in our teens, myself included. There is nothing more flattering than your natural shape, so when Freya reaches that point, I'll take her to have her brows shaped properly. 
Get colour matched.
There is not much worse than too dark or too light foundation. We've all been there. 
Wear SPF.
If you want some colour, fake it. Sunless tanner is so much safer. 
If Freya Rose carries on the way she's going, I have a feeling she'll follow in my footsteps with her love for makeup. I just hope I can use what I've learned to give her a little head start.
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