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Pretty Little things

My mum went shopping and came back with these gems. I was really surprised as I can be really hard to shop for and my mum normally gets it wrong haha, but not this time!

01. Leopard Print Bows and flower clips, adorable.
02. Charm Bracelet from Matalan. Not a big fan of gold but this is too cute, I love the little mug and cupcake charm.
03. My favourite, I love love love these. She got me these three bangles from Debhanams and each one has buttons in them, with the odd quirky ones thrown in. Super cute.

I tried changing my blog layout the other day, but failed. I used to be so good at html back in the myspace days, but I really can't do it any more. I think the problem I had was finding a layout to fit my excessively huge pictures, so I instead tried to just add a background but it wouldn't work with the layout html I already have.
I give up on it for now but if anyone has any suggestions I'd really like to to hear them!

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