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You Do You

Being a part of the blogging community, I often see drama arise about a variety of different issues to do with blogging. Recently there's been a lot of talk about bloggers ‘wasting their voice’ and writing about pointless topics, and how unfair this view of us is.

Blogging has grown and grown over the past few years and I hope it keeps growing, with more and more people creating blogs and being welcomed into this amazing community. The majority of bloggers I have dealt with on social media have been the loveliest of people, but you have to bear in mind - likewise in any community - there are those who seem to try and bring others down.

Lately I've read a few blog posts by bloggers who seem to look down on those of us who like to take a good marble flatlay and write about our favourite lipsticks. But is being a "typical blogger" really a bad thing?

It really saddens me that there's this idea of a “typical blogger” who writes about pointless topics and only care about pretty photos. All bloggers work hard, whatever kind of topics they write about. It can be difficult, but it's definitely the best thing I've ever done.

Blogging shouldn't be about putting others down for the way they use their platform or the way they take their photos. So what if I like marble? So what if you don't? The blogging community is so broad that you can literally blog about anything, and this shouldn't be seen as a problem.

My biggest tip to bloggers is you do you. It doesn't matter what anyone else says, if you enjoy writing, then write. If you enjoy taking your photos on a marble background with copper props, you do that. If that isn't your thing, that's okay too! But don't bring other bloggers down for being into that.

*The irony that I didn't use a marble background in this post! I'm on holiday, it's the best I could do*

Quickly I would love to say thank you all for helping me reach 1000 followers on bloglovin! Another huge debate about blogging is how important the numbers and statistics are, and although I don't think it's the most important thing, it really reminds me how far I've come over the past 3 years here! Thank you so much, it means the world :)

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