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A Closer Look at Moonrise Kingdom's Suzy Bishop

Oh, young love - and some pretty blue eyeshadow brought to us by a 12-year old.
suzy bishop moonrise kingdom makeup
A young girl sporting bright makeup is scandalous but I thought it looked brilliant on her.
When you watch a Wes Anderson film, you'll know it's a Wes Anderson film  even without looking at the credits basing on his distinct style and  even more distinguishable and colorful characters. Having seen The Royal Tenenbaums and The Darjeeling Limited, Moonrise Kingdom (2012) is yet another period piece charmer that tugged at my inner kid heartstrings. I've watched it a couple of nights ago for the first time and found myself laughing out loud to the young lovers' quips. Now I haven't gotten over Suzy Bishop's character with her memorable blue eyeshadow and pale cheeks and lips. It was a treat seeing a flash of that color every time she blinked or closed her eyes. This is certainly a look that emerged from the 60's albeit less popular than the mod look that was all the rage that time. If attention to detail is something Anderson excels in, I'd say he intentionally chose a shade of Bleu de France for her eyeshadow since she had a penchant for French music and she's the kind of kid who'd love to live in France instead - of course, this is my own crazy speculative/guess work.
suzy bishop moonrise kingdom makeup
suzy bishop moonrise kingdom makeup
Screenshots of Moonrise Kingdom (Focus Features)
Are you fan of Suzy's simple but bold look? Would you dare to wear blue eyeshadow or perhaps a more wearable blue liner instead?

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