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Alex Jones calls Quebec mosque shooting a false flag as Quebec separtism gain steam

Terry Blue
   Quebec is an amazing city that is under attack from the multi-culturists trying to open the city and give it a ghetto influx of Haitians and Muslims and the resistance  to this traitorous plan was evident by a recent shooting at a Mosque. it seems enough was enough for some Quebec separatists and we have long advocated and pushed for the people in this province to have their complete and separate independence before the global trade English-speaking destroys the unique and vibrant European culture this area has long since enjoyed in North America.
 Jones wondered if this was one of the thousands of Muslim on Muslim terrorist acts that occurs every month and if this violence actually has made its way to this cosmopolitan city as Muslims expand everywhere. Muslims will eventually seek to kick out the French from Quebec as was done in Algeria and in all likely the right in Quebec did this rare revenge attack and gave Muslkms a taste of what they have been conducting so much on non-Muslims and those Muslims they hate even more. Young French men have to be asking themselves what kind of future do they have when their government seeks to help people in war zones in far away land ds more than native born people and this obviously had to be a motivation for this mans terrorist attack.Image result for quebec mosque attack the global order disdains separatist ethnic identity movements especially those involving people of European descent and laying claim to land long conquered but now under pressure from capitalist profiteers of people movement and immigration. This was not a false flag but nationalist push back from a proud ethnic group well aware of the dangers of Muslims from various colonial history and from experience all know well of potential Muslim atrocities that will likely now come for the people of Quebec. Until these people throw off the yoke of the internationalists and the London and Toronto banking classes more and more North Africans will migrate and cause destruction and terror to Quebec as they have brought to the land of the Gauls. Image result for quebec map

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