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Joe Biden: Lesbians' Choice

Among the virtues of having Joe Biden as a running mate, Barack Obama has found a guy that the lesbians—even the crazy-ass, militant, lesbian lesbians like Susan Norfleet—can get behind. When Biden was still gunning for the Democratic nomination last November, Norfleet declared:

I would consider having sex with Joe Biden.

Joe Biden is funny. Joe Biden says things like "listen, man" when talking to other candidates during a debate. Joe Biden went off on Rudy Giuliani which was the most entertaining and memorable thing I've ever seen in any political debate.

...Joe Biden talks like a human and he doesn't do the weird "thumbs up" hand gestures. He never seems rehearsed. He never says "god bless you" or tips his head like a dog. He never talks about his faith. Did I mention, he never talks about his faith? He smiles. He's smart. He's experienced. He's roguishly handsome. He doesn't walk with Jesus. Joe Biden has a sense of humor.

...True, I am a lesbian. True, I will probably never meet Joe Biden. True, Joe Biden is married to a smart and attractive woman. True, I am very happily involved with a smart and attractive woman. True, the sex might not be great, but it probably wouldn't be bad. Here's my point. Funny, smart and roguishly handsome just doesn't come along very often, in either gender. Who am I to let sexual preference get in the way of what would clearly be a love match? As long as there is a plentiful supply of red wine and an electrical outlet, Joe Biden and I could make sweet love. Or at least, successful love (for me). For him the incentive would be that "lesbian fantasy" thing, plus I'm not really interested in sustained, monotonous, straight intercourse, which at his age (65), would have to be a relief.

So, while the rest of the country is deciding which Presidential candidate they would like to have a beer with, I can tell you that for me, there is only one candidate I would consider having sex with. Joe Biden. I'm sorry Hillary, but you're just not funny.

Read more and see video evidence here.

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