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The Finger You Stick In Here Will Be Felt All the Way Over There

I have suggested previously that the result of this whole Proposition 8 issue will have a ripple effect across the rest of the country. In the comments section, Jason of Is That a Gavel in Your Pants? gives us an example of how this is so:

Over here in America's most celebrated colony, the District of Columbia, we will apparently also feel the effects of this Proposition 8 deal. The D.C. Council wants to legalize gay marriage, but, because all their legislation must also be approved by Congress (let the Governator mull over that one), they have to wait until there are enough friendly faces in the Congress to let it through. That part we expect to happen in January 2009; however, if Proposition 8 passes, the effort is probably sunk.

The article he cites explains:

It's believed that a same-sex marriage bill in D.C. stands a better chance of survival if Democrats gain seats in Congress and if California's Proposition 8—which seeks to revoke same-sex marriage rights in the state—is defeated. Congress has oversight regarding any legislation the Council wants to pass; the passage or failure of Proposition 8 could be a litmus test for the District's own bill.

Speaking of friendly faces in government...before voting straight down the Democratic ticket, I decided to call some politicians who are up for reelection (or election) in my district to see where they stand on Proposition 8.

First, I dialed Congressman Adam B. Schiff's office, who's asking for my vote once again. The woman on the phone told me that it is policy for the Congressman not to take a position on state measures. So I asked her what he thought of same-sex marriage in general. After putting me on hold, she then told me that Congressman Schiff actually opposes Proposition 8, and I told her that he could count on my vote.

The campaign line of Carol Liu, who is running for State Senator, didn't pick up, so I left a vague message about Prop 8. (I don't want to tip my hat as to what my position is.)

Assemblymember Paul Krekorian's office said that they don't deal with his positions on issues, so they gave me a campaign reelection number. The voicemail box was full, so I sent an e-mail.

Single-issue voter much? Sure. But every piece of the hologram contains the whole, right?

In related news, according to the Los Angeles Times, the most accurate poll yet regarding Prop 8 may show that Yes-on-8 campaign has gained some steam, but they still actually trail—44% in support of Prop 8 and 52% opposed. The extent to which we've been able to keep No-on-8 awareness healthy can undoubtedly be attributed to the time, money, and various helpful gestures by folks all around the world. And congratulations to those lesbians! Their goal to raise $8,000 in eight days to defeat Prop 8 was achieved in just three days!

[Addendum @ 2:04PM: Carol Liu is voting NO on Proposition 8, according to her campaign manager!]

[Addendum 10.26.08: Paul Krekorian is also voting NO on Proposition 8, according a campaign staffer!]

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