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SHOP BEYOND 24hours for your favorite Apple Products

Your TDF Wishlist Apple products on a 12 to 24 months installment... That is if you're a Citibank credit card holder and you're a night owl.

If you're an A Student, time to use those report card as leverage to your 'rents and finally get them to buy you The New Ipad.
If you've been slaving yourself from work and you're sure of the raise by the end of the year, then make your work/fun life easier with a Mac Book Pro
If you're just dripping with money but don't want  to shell out big bucks in one go...

Head on to Beyond the Box One Rockwell.

It's an offer you can't refuse!

Exclusive deals available from 12mn to 6am only
24 months installment for Citibank cardholders for MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iPads and iPod touch
12 months installment on all other cards for MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iPads and iPod touch

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